587-968-1812 hapkimudo@shaw.ca

Become a Member


tillman hapkido


Students will be introduced to several elements of a traditional martial arts program. Basic warm-up, stretching, and strengthening exercises are performed at the beginning of every class followed by a variety of exercises that may include kicking, striking, break falls, throws, grappling, and weapons.

Ho Shin Sul translated as method of self-defence, is the cornerstone of traditional Hapkido. Self-defense is practiced in every class and in a variety of settings and situations. During this time students will learn fundamental principles of balance and leverage, plus a series of vital joint locks, pressure points, and throws.

Classes can be intense and requires commitment, perseverance, and continued effort to achieve success. We design our program so all students can get the greatest benefit out of every class.

Start Your Journey Today

Tillman hapkido


All classes are registered through the City of Calgary.  New students can join anytime.



tillman hapkido


All classes take place at the Village Square Leisure Centre.

2623 56 Street NE, Calgary
Phone: 587-968-1812